If you feel worried about the thoughts / feelings / behaviour you are experiencing, feel suicidal and worry that you can no longer keep yourself safe please seek support immediately. - Dial 999, or ask a friend or family member to do this for you, to go to your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department - Mon-Fri 9-5pm you can come to the Student Centre and the desk staff there can call an ambulance - You can also make an urgent appointment to see your GP or call NHS 111 - Mon-Sun 6pm-6am you can contact the Goldsmiths' Campus Support Officers (CSOs) who can also call an ambulance. They are based in the Loring Management Centre within Loring Hall and you can go and see them in person or call them on 020 7919 7284 - Samaritans offer round the clock support via phone or text 116 123