How to create a DagMuCorR description of a music corpus using the templates

There are three increasingly time intensive ways for a researcher to describe her/his own corpus within this scheme and to publish this information on an HTML page:

  1. Edit HTML page: Replace all the information in Goldsmiths_corpora.html with information on your own corpus and publish the HTML file. Takes about 20 minutes.
  2. Edit XML file: To have your corpus description in a more flexible form (e.g. to derive a database scheme from it) replace all the information in Goldsmiths_corpora.xml with information on your own corpus. Then render the XML file to HTML using the XSL style sheet corpora_list2html.xsl. (One easy option is to place XML and XSL files in the same directory and open the XML file with a recent version of Mozilla Firefox. Then save the resulting HTML file as complete webpage.) Publish the HTML file. Takes about 30 minutes.
  3. Edit XML and XSL file: If you want a distinctive layout of you corpus information page edit the XSL file as well and choice colours and layout options. Then edit XML file and apply XSL style sheet to XML file (as above) to generate the HTML file. Takes 40 minutes or more depending on the sophistication of your design.