Last update, Sept. 3, 2003


General references on Calculus :

BibTeX references .

Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms : A Unified Approach

John Hamal Hubbard and Barbara Burke Hubbard

2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 2002 (800 pages)

Web link (with errata, review, student solution manual, ...):


0. Preliminaries.

1. Vectors, Matrices, and Derivatives.

2. Solving Equations.

3. Higher Partial Derivatives, Quadratic Forms, and Manifolds.

4. Integration.

5. Volumes of Manifolds.

6. Forms and Vector Calculus.

Appendix A: Some Harder Proofs.

Appendix B. Programs

Newton, Monte Carlo, Determinant.


Page created & maintained by Frederic Leymarie, 2002-3.
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