Jan 18, 2002


Publications in Archaeology : Shape reconstruction & modelling of statues :

BibTeX references.

The Digital Michelangelo Project: 3D Scanning of Large Statues

M. Levoy et al.

Computer Graphics (Proc. Siggraph 2000),
ACM Press, New York, July 2000, pp. 131-144.

Weblink @ Stanford

Building a Model of Michelangelo's Florentine Pietà

F. Bernardini, H. Rushmeier, I. Martin, J. Mittleman, G. Taubin

IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, vol. 22, no.1, Jan/Feb 2002, pp. 59-67


The authors describe a project to create a three-dimensional digital model of Michelangelo's Florentine Pietà. The model is being used in a comprehensive art-historical study of this sculpture that includes a consideration of historical records and artistic significance as well as scientific data. A combined multi-view and photometric system is used to capture hundreds of small meshes on the surface, each with a detailed normals and re-flectance map aligned to the mesh. The overlapping meshes are registered and merged into a single triangle mesh. A set of reflectance and normals maps covering the statue are computed from the best data available from multiple color measurements.

A Digital Model of Michelangelo's Florentine Pietà

F. Bernardini, J. Mittleman, H. Rushmeier, G. Taubin

4th Int.l Conf. on Cultural Heritage Networks Hypermedia. Milan, Italy, September 1999.

Weblink @ IBM

Visual & Geometric Computing group @ IBM


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