Goldsmiths College, University of London, Dept. of Computing, London, U.K.
Tel.: +44 (0)20 7078 5052 , mailto:ffl(at)gold(dot)ac(dot)uk , 


(NB: hardcopies/PDFs available on demand, by email.)
  1. N. Lambert, W. Latham & F. F. Leymarie, The Emergence and Growth of Evolutionary Art 1980-1993, SIGGRAPH 2013, Art paper (to appear in a special issue of the Leonardo journal, MIT Press), 2013.
  2. P. Tresset and F.F. Leymarie, Portrait Drawing by Paul the Robot, Computers and Graphics, Elsevier, vol. 37, issue 5, Special section on Expressive Graphics, pp. 348-363, August 2013.
  3. P. Tresset & F. F. Leymarie, Human Robot Interaction and Drawing, Bulletin de l’AFIA (Association Francaise pour l’Intelligence Artificielle), no. 78 (Dossier Creativite’ et Innovation), pp. 44-49, Octobre 2012
  4. P. Tresset and F. F. Leymarie, Sketches by Paul the Robot, Computational Aesthetics, D. Cunningham & D.H. House (eds.), ACM/Eurographics, Annecy, France, pp. 17-24, June 2012. **Best Paper Award**
  5. Carol MacGillivray, B. Mathez and F. Fol Leymarie, Developing a System of Screen-less Animation for Experiments in Perception of Movement, Computational Aesthetics, D. Cunningham & D.H. House (eds.), ACM/Eurographics, Annecy, France, pp. 71-80, June 2012.
  6. Rui F. Antunes and F. F. Leymarie, Generative choreography: animating in real-time dancing avatars, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference and 10th European Event on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design (EvoMusart '12), Malaga, Spain; Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 7247, Springer, pp. 1-10, April 2012.
  7. P. Todd, S. Todd, F. F. Leymarie, W. Latham, B. Jefferys and L. Kelley, FoldSynth: A Physics-based Interactive Visualisation Platform for Proteins and other Molecular Strands, Proceedings of BioVis 2011, 1st IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization, part of VisWeek 2011, Providence, RI, USA, Oct. 2011.
  8. F. F. Leymarie, On the Visual Perception of Shape --- Analysis and Genesis through Information Models, Proceedings of the SHAPES 1.0 workshop, part of Context 2011, Karlshrue, Germany, Sept. 2011.
  9. P. Tresset, F. F. Leymarie and N. Khaorapapong, Skediomata: Guinea Pig and Performer, Proceedings of ISEA 2011, Istanbul, Sept. 2011.
  10. Rui F. Antunes and F. F. Leymarie, Generative Narrative in Computational Ecosystems, Proceedings of ISEA 2011, Istanbul, Sept. 2011.
  11. F. F. Leymarie, M.-C. Chang, C. Imielinska and B.B. Kimia, A General Approach to Model Biomedical Data from 3D Unorganised Point Clouds with Medial Scaffolds, Proc. of Eurographics Wokshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM), D. Bartz et al., eds., pp. 65-74, Leipzig, Germany, July 2010.
  12. Rui F. Antunes and F. F. Leymarie, Virtual Worlds as Art Practice: EvoArt Methodologies, Electronic Visualization and the Arts (EVA London 2010), Alan Seal et al. (eds.), pp: 271-7, BCS, London, UK, July 2010.
  13. Rui F. Antunes and F. F. Leymarie, Epigenetics as aesthetic instrument in a generative virtual ecosystem, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Art (ARTECH), Leonel Valbom (ed.), pp: 172-6, Guimarães, Portugal, April 2010.
  14. F. F. Leymarie, P. Todd, S. Todd, W. Latham, L. Kelley and B, Jefferys, FoldSynth: interactive multimedia platform for real and synthetic protein structures, poster, EMBO Workshop on Visualizing Biological Data (VizBi), EMBL Heidelberg, Germany, March 2010.
  15. M.-C. Chang, F.F. Leymarie and B.B. Kimia, "Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds by Transforming the Medial Scaffold," Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), vol. 113, no. 11, pp. 1130-46, Special issue on new advances in 3-D imaging and modeling (No. 1 donwloaded article from CVIU and no. 5 on ScienceDirect amongst all computing journals (150+) for the April-June 2009 period.), November 2009.
  16. F. F. Leymarie and B. B. Kimia, "From the Infinitely Large to the Infinitely Small," Ch. 11 in "Medial Representations --- Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications," pp. 369-406, K. Siddiqi and S. M. Pizer, eds., Springer, volume 37 of Computational Imaging and Vision series, 2008.
  17. Rui F. Antunes and F. F. Leymarie, xTNZ - a three-dimensional ecosystem, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Digital Art (ARTECH), Alvaro Barbosa (ed.), pp. 201-4, Porto, Portugal, November 2008.
  18. W. Latham, M. Shaw, S. Todd, F. Fol Leymarie, B. Jefferys and L. Kelley, "Using DNA to Generate 3D Organic Art Forms," 6th European Workshop on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design (EvoMUSART '08), Napoli, Italy; published in "Applications of Evolutionary Computing," Springer, LNCS 4974, M. Giacobini et al. eds., pp. 433-42, March 2008.
  19. M.-C. Chang, F.F. Leymarie and B.B. Kimia, "Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds by Transforming the Medial Scaffold," 6th International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM), pp. 13-20, Montreal, Canada, IEEE Computer Society, Aug. 2007.
  20. A. McLean, F. F. Leymarie and G. Wiggins, "Apollonius diagrams and the Representation of Sounds and Music," 4th International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering (ISVD), pp. 276-281, Wales, UK, July 2007.
  21. F. F. Leymarie and B. B. Kimia, "The Medial Scaffold of 3D Unorganised Point Clouds," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE-PAMI), vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 313-330, February 2007.
  22. F. F. Leymarie, "Thoughts on Shape," in "Visual Thought: The Depictive Space of the Mind," L. Albertazzi, ed., Vol. 67 of "Advances in Consciousness Research" series, pp. 303-350, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, December 2006.
  23. F. F. Leymarie, "Aesthetic Computing and Shape," Ch. 14, pp. 259-288 in "Aesthetic Computing," P. Fishwick, ed., MIT Press, April 2006. (Review of book in JVLC, 2007, and in Leonardo Reviews, Jan. 2007.)
  24. P. Tresset and F. F. Leymarie, "Generative Portrait Sketching," Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM), H. Thwaites, ed., pp. 739-748, Ghent, Belgium, October 2005.
  25. B. Hatcher, K. Aspelund, F. F. Leymarie, A. Willis, J. Speicher, D. B. Cooper, "Computational Schemes for Biomimetic Sculpture," 5th Int. Conf. on Creativity & Cognition, ACM SIGCHI Conference, pp. 22-31, London, April 2005. (Contribution to the exhibit: pp. 298-300.)
  26. M.-C. Chang, F.F. Leymarie and B.B. Kimia, "3D Shape Registration using Regularized Medial Scaffolds," 2nd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission (3DPVT), pp. 987-994,  Thessaloniki, Greece, Sept. 2004.
  27. F. F. Leymarie, B. B. Kimia and P. J. Giblin, "Towards Surface Regularization via Medial Axis Transitions," 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'04), Vol. 3, pp. 123-126, Cambridge, U.K., August 2004.
  28. F. F. Leymarie and B. B. Kimia, "Computation of the Shock Scaffold for Unorganized Point Clouds in 3D," IEEE Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'03), Vol. 1, pp. 821-827, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, June 2003.
  29. Frederic Fol Leymarie, "Three-Dimensional Shape Representation via Shock Flows," PhD thesis, Brown University, May 2003.
  30. D. B. Cooper et al., "Bayesian Virtual Pot-Assembly from Fragments as Problems in Perceptual-Grouping and Geometric-Learning." International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'02), Québec City, Canada. IEEE Computer Society publ., Proc. of ICPR, vol. III, pp. 297-302, August 11-15, 2002.
  31. B. Kimia and F. Leymarie, "Symmetry-based Representation of Volumetric Imaging", invited paper at the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP01), vol. 2, pp. 581-584, October 2001.
  32. D. B. Cooper et al., "Assembling Virtual Pots from 3D Measurements of their Fragments." VAST'01, North Athens, Greece, November 28-30, 2001. ACM Siggraph publ., Proc. of VAST 2001: Virtual Reality, Archeology, and Cultural Heritage, pp. 241-253, 2001.
  33. F. Leymarie and B. Kimia, "The Shock Scaffold for Representing 3D Shape", Proc. of 4th International Workshop on Visual Form (IWVF4). Published in "Visual Form 2001", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 2059), Springer-Verlag, pp. 216-229, May 2001.
  34. F. Leymarie et al., "The SHAPE Lab. - New Technology and Software for Archaeologists", in "Computing Archaeology for Understanding the Past" (CAA 2000), BAR International Series 931, Archaeopress, Oxford, UK., pp. 79-89, 2001.
  35. F. Leymarie and B. Kimia, "Discrete 3D Wave Propagation for Computing Morphological Operations from Surface Patches and Unorganized Points", International Symp. on Math. Morpho. (ISMM), Palo Alto. Kluwer Academic, Comp. Imaging & Vision Series, vol.18, pp.351-360, June 2000.
  36. F. Leymarie & B. Kimia, "On the computation of 3D symmetries and shocks", TR # LEMS-173, Providence, USA, July 1998.
  37. F. Leymarie, B. Kimia & M. Gruber, "Direct camera pose evaluation from a single view and a map", TR # LEMS-174, Providence, USA, Aug. 1998.
  38. H. Tek, F. Leymarie and B. Kimia, "Interpenetrating Waves and Multiple Generation Shocks via the CEDT". In "Advances in Visual Form Analysis", World Scientific, pp. 582-593, 1997.
  39. F. Leymarie, "Exploitation of 3D Georeferenced Datasets in a GIS", Proc. International Workshop on "HPCN Exploitation of Multimedia Databases", Ispra, Italy, European Commission - JRC, n° EUR 17349 EN, pp.10-29. Keynote speaker. March 1997.
  40. F. Leymarie et al., "REALISE: Reconstruction of Reality from Image Sequences", IEEE Proc. of ICIP, Vol.3, pp.651-654, Lausanne, Switzerland, Sept. 1996.
  41. F. Leymarie et al., "Towards the Automation of Road Extraction Processes", vol. SPIE-2960, pp.84-95, Sicily, Sept. 1996.
  42. S. Airault, O. Jamet and F. Leymarie, "From Manual to Automatic Stereoplotting: Evaluation of Different Road Network Capture Processes". In: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 31(3), ISPRS, pp. 14-18, 1996.
  43. F. Leymarie and D. van Rooy, "EEMS: Environmental Emergency Management Systems in a European context", Proc. of HAZARDS-96, pp.21-23, Toronto, Canada, July. 1996.
  44. F. Leymarie and M. D. Levine, "Tracking Deformable Objects in the Plane Using an Active Contour Model", IEEE-PAMI, Vol.15(6), pp. 617-634, June 1993.
  45. F. Leymarie and M. D. Levine, "Simulating the Grassfire Transform Using an Active Contour Model", IEEE-PAMI, Vol.14(1), pp. 56-75, Jan. 1992.
  46. F. Leymarie and M. D. Levine, "Fast Raster Scan Distance Propagation on the Discrete Rectangular Lattice", CVGIP-IU, Vol.55(1), pp. 84-94, Jan. 1992. Academic Press.
  47. F. Leymarie, Tracking and Describing Deformable Objects Using Active Contour Models, Technical Report TR-CIM-90-9, Computer Vision and Robotics Laboratory, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, M.Eng. thesis. February 1990.
  48. F. Leymarie and M. D. Levine, "Skeletons from Snakes", in "Progress in Image Analysis and Processing", (V. Cantoni et al., ed.), pp. 186-193, Singapore: World Scientific, 1990. Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, (Positano, Italiy), Sept. 1989.
  49. F. Leymarie and M. D. Levine, "New method for shape description based on an active contour model". Proceedings of SPIE conference on "Visual Communications and Image Processing", vol. 1199-1, (Philadelphia, Penn., U.S.A.), pp. 390-401, Nov. 1989.
  50. F. Leymarie and M. D. Levine, Curvature Morphology, Proceedings of Vision Interface '89, (London, OT, Canada), pp. 102-109, June 1989.
  51. F. Leymarie and M. D. Levine. Snakes and Skeletons. Technical Report TR-CIM-89-1, Computer Vision and Robotics Laboratory, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Jan. 1989.
  52. F. Leymarie and M. D. Levine. Curvature morphology. Technical Report TR-CIM-88-26, Computer Vision and Robotics Laboratory, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Dec. 1988.

Publications of Frederic Fol Leymarie (updated: 1 June 2013)
mailto:ffl(at)gold(dot)ac(dot)uk ,